Cancer is indiscriminate. It doesn’t care about finances, family, living situation, or access to care.
Cancer doesn’t care that Shirin and her family are displaced refugees doing all they can to get by.
Cancer doesn’t care that Shirin is a mom and a wife struggling to survive a life of involuntary resettlement.
Cancer doesn’t care. But people do.

For the past two years, Shirin and her family have been living in an unfamiliar land, refugees forced to leave their home. To say that cancer struck at a bad time is an understatement on the grandest scale.
However, as the skies around them darkened, a light began to emerge on the horizon. That light was funneled through the hands and feet of two churches in Shirin’s new world. Without hesitation and without condition, these churches have provided transportation and translators when Shirin has had to have treatment. They have helped support and care for her daughter while her husband works in construction five to six days a week just to make ends meet.
Those churches have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to Shirin and her family because of your support. Your funds have supplemented this family’s rent, food, school expenses, and other day-to-day needs, enabling them to live in an apartment closer to treatment and the care of the church.
Shirin’s journey is not over. The cancer is not yet gone, and her family is not yet home. But today, Shirin has reason to hope. Your continued prayers and support are vital to her continued recovery, the capacity of the local churches to continue their pastoral care, and to demonstrate that even in the face of careless enemies like cancer and displacement, care and love win the day every time.
Pray that Shirin and others like her facing dire illnesses in dire situations will find medical care and a restored quality of life for themselves and their families.