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Animals & Agriculture
Through BGR projects, farmers and families are taught techniques appropriate for their area to raise better crops and livestock.
Refugee Care
Imagine having to flee your home because of armed conflict, human rights violations, or a devastating disaster. Imagine the trauma in your home town is so real that you must make the heart-breaking choice to flee, even though you want to stay.
Human Trafficking Aftercare
About 20 to 30 million people worldwide are sold annually for either sexual or labor exploitation. Learn more.
Job Skills Training
Most people struggling with poverty really do want a hand-up and not a handout. Learn how to work together.
Hunger Alleviation
Hunger affects 800 million people worldwide. BGR helps people and communities find sustainable solutions to their hunger problems.
South Sudan School Lunch Program
Approximately 350 children in Akot, South Sudan, will receive BGR-sponsored lunches throughout the 10 months of their 2016 school year.