
Team leader expectations
  1. Pay for their trip
  2. Complete an application.
  3. Agree to recruit the minimum amount of volunteers required.
  4. Communicate with the project director. At a minimum, travel arrangements should be communicated. However any questions from team members should be communicated from the team leader and not from the team members themselves.
  5. Arrange team transportation from the US to the destination indicated by the project director
  6. Interview each potential team member
  7. Verify any needed credentials such as a medical degree
  8. Gather and evaluate personal references for each team member
  9. Maintain administration of their team by seeing where all team members are in preparing to leave on the trip.This includes ensuring the following:
    1. Having team members complete an online application
    2. Indicate that they read and agree to the “I will not …” statement
    3. Ordering their own background check and reviewing background checks of team members
    4. Watching the child protection video and verifying team members have watched the child protection video
    5. Ensuring team members have insurance
    6. Ensuring teams are prepared spiritually, mentally and physically
    7. Have a way for funds to be collected and payments made for travel. Most will have a church.
    8. Complete an evaluation upon return
The expectations of a volunteer
  1. Pay for their trip
  2. Complete a volunteer application
  3. Agree to the “I will not…” statement
  4. Ensure their passport does not expire within six months of their return date
  5. Obtain immunizations
  6. Order their background check and/or provide results to the team leader (or they can provide a recent copy to the team leader and the team leader can mark it as completed)
  7. Watch the child protection video and agree to a statement that they watched the video.
  8. Review orientation materials including any cultural information and suggested reading such as When Helping Hurts and Poverty and the Kingdom of God.
  9. Obtain insurance and indicate policy number. (Or team leader can purchase for all and input policy number for entire team.)
  10. Complete an evaluation upon return