Mozambique Update for Kids

Many churches are focusing on Mozambique during VBS this year. The resources below will help churches share BGR’s disaster response to the recent cyclone in Mozambique. For more information and updates, visit


Where Most Needed BGR Kids

Every day, different needs arise all over the world. From hunger to natural disasters and more, every new day seems to present a new need. You can help meet those needs wherever and whenever they come up. Learn more at Download this video at the bottom of the page!   WATCH THEM ALL BELOW! […]

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Do ten fish make a school of fish? BGR Kids

It takes so little to send ten fish to a family in need. To learn more about how you can change lives with just ten fish, visit

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What’s a water filter? BGR Kids

It’s amazing the good that can come from a single device. Learn how you can send a water filter to people in need today by visiting

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What kind of food is given to kids like? BGR Kids

You can send the gift of health and nutrition to a hungry kid today who’s just like you. Find out how by visiting

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How do sheep help families? BGR Kids

Who knew that a sheep could do all that for people! From wool to meat and more, sheep are a gift that keep on giving. Learn how you can give today at

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When do you build new houses? BGR Kids

Can you imagine helping someone build a new home? No need to imagine. You can! Visit to learn how you can help a family start over in a stable, safe home of their very own.

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How does a goat help a family? BGR Kids

From nutrition to income, a goat can change the entire course of someone’s life for the better. Learn more about gifting a goat today at

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What can you do with 10 chickens? BGR Kids

You can help change the life of a family today with these inexpensive, easy feathered sources of food and income. To learn more, visit

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How do wells work? BGR Kids

Be it a well or a full water system, access to clean water saves and changes lives. Learn more about how you can give the gift of clean water at

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6 Activities to Teach your Kids about Helping Others | BGR Kids

Parents want to raise children who will change the world. These six ideas will help you start conversations with your little ones about local and global poverty. It’s never too early to teach them about serving!

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