3 Inspiring Difference Makers

When you give to BGR, your gifts travel thousands of miles and land in the hands of trusted national partners. They live and work side by side with their neighbors in need. They’re passionate about serving their people. They’re invested in their communities. And you give them what they need to make a real difference. 

Let’s meet a few of the local heroes who give their time, talents, and lives to raising strong, independent communities.


When Charity met a young boy affected by Cerebral Palsy, her heart broke. Despite her best efforts, the boy passed away shortly before a surgery. “Where do we take that disappointment?” she asked. “Do we just sit and sulk? There was still time to do something for the others.”

Charity has made the most of her skills and talents and now helps run a school for children with special needs. Through friends like you, her students have clean water to drink. Food to eat. For Charity, helping people with special needs feel like they belong is personal.

Read Charity’s story.


Pastor Rene is a tireless champion for the people of Guatemala. He teaches job skills, renovates local schools, and more. It seems like nothing can keep him from getting to people in need in his community—not even a volcanic eruption.

He’s just one of the trusted national partners BGR works closely with, and he’s able to make a difference in the lives of his people because of supporters like you. Find out how Pastor Rene is changing lives in Guatemala.

Read Rene’s story.


With your help, Eunice is taking God’s love and hope to the streets of Kenya! As one of our national partners, she helps run the Naivasha Children’s Shelter, which gives young street boys a safe place to transition back to a normal life. She wants the boys to know that God loves them and cares for them. Your gifts are a tangible reminder of that!

Although the community looks down on the boys from the shelter, Eunice is helping them move forward by showing them how to go back—back to families who love them.

Read Eunice’s story.